Chevelle Dealer Number & Zone - Page 0

000 - 015 | 016 - 025 | 026 - 050 | 051 - 075 | 076 - 100

Due to the grown size of the database, the search is now broken down into five pages.

For Zone Numbers 000 through 015 - see this page.

For Zone Numbers 016 through 025 - see this page.

For Zone Numbers 026 through 050 - see this page.

For Zone Numbers 051 through 075 - see this page.

For Zone Numbers 076 through 100 - see this page.

Updated May 17, 2021:  To search the lists (broken down into 5 pages) manually, click a link above for a zone number in that range. If I could not read any of the digits in either the Zone Number or Dealer Number they will only be listed in the manual lists.

When a dealer received cars from different plants but the zone/dealer number/dealer name remains the same, the plants will be listed alphabetically. When a dealer's information is known for multiple years, each year will be listed separately. Often different assembly plants would paint the same basic address differently, those differences will be listed separately.

The majority of the dealer information have their basis from build sheets. When a known Zone Number and Dealer Number are input the result will show the year of the build sheet the data was found on, the dealer's name as shown on the build sheet, the dealers city/location as shown on the build sheet, and the plant the car was shipped from. If some other form of documentation other than the build sheet was used to gather the data, that form of documentation will be noted.

I should also note that when two different plants might ship to the same dealer the exact wording of the dealer or the dealer's town may vary from plant to plant and possibly from year to year. For example one plant may code a dealer in Colorado with COL where another may code it as COLO. These differences are only shown in the manual lists.

Dealers often changed names and owners but information shown here is directly from build sheets showing the current dealer name at the time or NCRS reports showing the dealer name of record.

Special thanks to Robert McIntosh for the Java code for this effort.

Data Submission

If you have this data for any year, please let the Chevelle community know by filling out the form below. The attached file should be a READABLE image of at least the dealer name, zone, and dealer number from a build sheet with the sequence number entered into the Comments box, or enough of an NCRS report to show the same information such as one of the examples here.

I get over 45,000 visitors a month to this site. I cannot list data without verification to insure the data are accurate.


Without all the needed information and image, any partially submitted data or data submitted without an image for verification, submission is rather worthless. Dealer name and dealer city must be exactly the way it's shown on the documentation or people will not be able to get an exact response to a query.


Visual Verification Image

* Required